How An Event Planning Application Could Be Beneficial To Your Business

by | Feb 8, 2017 | Event Planning

While some companies never plan events or host them, others have come to the realisation that they could be missing out on opportunities to boost revenue, provide positive awareness, and build their brand. While you could hire a planner and many companies do, you may not have to spend that much and cut into your budget. An event planning application makes it much easier and faster with GoldenTix for you to plan everything and ensure that things are on budget and on time.


It is essential that everyone collaborates efficiently and promptly. With an event planning application, you can keep track of everyone’s duties and how far they’ve come with their responsibilities. You can send emails or texts, design something on the website, or otherwise keep in touch with everyone using an easy-to-use dashboard. Plus, you may be able to chat in real-time or use video conferencing.

Manage Multiple Parties

While most companies won’t plan multiple events for the same time, you may want to host them regularly. This means that you’ll be focusing on many events in various stages of completion. An event planning application can help you manage everything, ensuring that nothing is left out because you were thinking of a different party.

Develop Pages/Track Sales

You can design a website specifically about your event. Therefore, you won’t clutter up your company site and will keep these dealings separate from everything else. You can also allow people to pay for the event, such as seating, vendors, and the like, from that same site, enabling you to track sales efficiently.


Being organised is key because if you are confused about any aspect, you could risk ruining the night you’ve planned for so long. Keep track of budgets, duties, and who is supposed to do what.

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